
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Goodbye Gaia

We are heartbroken and devastated to share that our wonderful Gaia has passed away this weekend unexpectedly, from an un-diagnosed heart condition.

This blog has been for many years her passion and a source of tremendous joy. It gave her an opportunity to share her honest opinions on anything and everything, trying to make the world a little bit more stylish, fragrant and well moisturized. You all have given her a community, long lasting friendships and if she could make even one person feel better about themselves or save them time by telling them what not to buy, it made her day.
This blog is a true mirror of her interests and passions, starting every post with an arresting visual she worked hours to find, weaving together her personal story with a teachers need to educate and motivate readers to explore. Never saying Buy This but giving her unbiased opinions and hoping readers will continue their own discovery journey into the wonderful world of vintage and indi perfumes, quality makeup and brushes, science based skin care, context and history of fashion and adopting more cats.

She started the blog after finding very few other sources for real, true, personal sources of information on beauty products and perfume beyond the commercial world of the glossies. With some of the other early bloggers, she believed people need to hear the truth not through advertisers and marketing copy. Sadly, the wold has turned in a different way with influencers and alternative facts becoming the norm and honest writing and opinions devalued. She stopped writing about 3 years ago being so dispirited from these developments but still hopeful that one day truth will make a comeback.

Thanks again readers for all your support and love, I wish that this month's Currently would have been different but hope that she is in a place with unlimited cats, all historical perfumes and unimaginable beauty.

Can't finish without reminding everyone to wear sun screen, and if you have not had a physical in a while, go get one. now.

Lastly, I found this Nick Cave song on one of her social profiles this morning. It was her favorite and unbelievably sad and apt on this occasion.
Ori, The Blond.




I don’t believe in an interventionist God
But I know, darling, that you do
But if I did I would kneel down and ask Him
Not to intervene when it came to you
Not to touch a hair on your head
To leave you as you are
And if He felt He had to direct you
Then direct you into my arms
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms
And I don’t believe in the existence of angels
But looking at you I wonder if that’s true
But if I did I would summon them together
And ask them to watch over you
To each burn a candle for you
To make bright and clear your path
And to walk, like Christ, in grace and love
And guide you into my arms
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms
But I believe in Love
And I know that you do too
And I believe in some kind of path
That we can walk down, me and you
So keep your candles burning
And make her journey bright and pure
That she will keep returning
Always and evermore
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms


  1. I'm stunned and incredibly saddened to hear this horrible, tragic news. Gaia was special. In so, so many ways.

    I can't even begin to imagine how devastated you must be. I'm so sorry.

    I'm at a complete loss for words from shock, but one thing I know for certain is that the world is a poorer place without Gaia and her light. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

  2. So sorry to hear this. Rest in peace, Gaia. Love and hugs to you, Ori, as you mourn her loss.

  3. Omg, I'm so sorry to hear this. My condolences to those who loved her.

  4. My condolences. Gaia will be much missed. I have missed her regular blogging, as I truly valued her honest opinions and I loved how she shared her passions with us readers.

  5. I am so incredibly sorry to hear that. What a truly horrible loss.
    I have been reading Gaia for years, I’m not sure I’ve ever left a comment, but I’ve always loved her unique perspective, and she always seemed like such a formidable personality. I’ve found the nonblond so special and unlike any other blog, and Gaia seemed like such a role model to me, a young woman.

    My deepest condolences to all of her loved ones.

  6. So sorry for your loss. When I had just started reading on perfume, her smart and unabashedly personal writing really shaped how I think and opened up a whole world. Inna lillahi was inni elaihi rajioon.

  7. I am so sad to read this. What a lovely tribute. I enjoyed reading Gaia’s blog for a number of years, and more recently her ‘Currently’ posts. I will miss them. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you my best wishes from the UK. Rest in peace beautiful Gaia xx

  8. I am so sorry to hear this. And that Nick Cave song is perfect - what a beautiful tribute.

  9. Ari - I am so very sorry for your loss - may her memory be a blessing. I know she was to me as one of the few voices in the blog sphere I could trust, she and I shared a love of cats, big Oriental Perfumes, and shared the bane of having unruly, kinky curly hair.
    I have followed her for years, and will miss her voice in the interwebz.

  10. The news of Gaia passing away came truly as a shock. Her blog was the first perfume blog I've started following. I admired her fine style and competent writing and shared with her not only the love for perfume but also the love for cats. I will remember her just like she is in the picture.
    My deepest condolences and a big comforting hug to her family.

  11. Sorry to hear about Gaia. My condolences to you and your family. I always looked forward to reading her blog which was smart,funny, and honest. She was very helpful to her readers regarding her reviews of various cosmetics and perfumes.

  12. I'm shocked and so, so sorry. My deepest condolences. I enjoyed reading this blog so much and treasured Gaia's unique voice and strong opinions.

  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. Gaia's writing was always something I looked forward to, and I appreciated her opinion. She was honest, kind, and so interesting. She was a beautiful soul, and may she rest in peace.

  14. I am so very sorry. I love her blog and the glimpses into her life.

  15. I love this corner of the internet that Gaia carved for us - her honesty, passion and genuine connection with her readers was something so special and not seldom seen in the online world. May she rest in peace and may her soul bring light to the heavens. My sincere condolences.

  16. Through Gaia's writing, I felt that I came to know a woman of extraordinary style, intelligence, and integrity. I will miss her. My sincerest condolences to her family and friends. May her memory be a blessing to you all.

  17. I am so very sorry, what a horrible loss. Gaia was one of my favorite bloggers and an inspiration to my own writing. She was also one of my favorite people, online or otherwise, a beautiful soul and so generous with her time and talents. We shared a love of perfume and cats and I always wished that we could meet in person some day. The world will be a darker place without her.

  18. This is awful news. I'm so sorry.

  19. Oh no! Devastating news. I've followed this blog many years, and loved it so much. Her reviews were always wonderful, so were her cat stories. Gaia also had an impeccable taste, she knew a good thing when she saw/smelled/tasted/heared/touched it. Will miss her terribly.

    Sending my love and condolences to Ori, all the cats, and her family.

  20. I'm so sorry for your loss. Reading Gaia's blog—her frank and incisive opinions, her wit, her love of beauty—has brought me so much joy over many years. She will be dearly missed. 😔

  21. I’m so sorry for your loss. Gaia touched so many people, shared her passion and knowledge, that she will be remembered for a long time. It doesn’t make it any easier now for those who loved her and who she loved, but I want to mention it anyway. I’m so, so sorry.

  22. This is such sad news! My heart goes to you, Gaia will be missed dearly even though she hasn't been writing much the last few years.

  23. I am very sorry to hear this. Have been following Gaia for many years and samples many perfumes based on her excellent reviews/recommandation. My condolences.

  24. I can't believe what I just read... Gaia is -was- so special. My deepest condolences, big hugs from Greece.

  25. My deepest condolences to Gaia's family and friends. Her writings were an oasis and she will be missed by the many who read her words.

  26. GAIA had so much to teach this gal who for years was in the
    beauty business....I only knew what I knew and NOT what GAIA
    knew and thus, for many years, I enthusiastically read everything
    she wrote....blessings to you and family and MAY HER MEMORY
    BE ETERNAL.....donna m. inlow....chicago

  27. I am very sad and so sorry for your loss, Ori.

    A loyal reader from Germany.

  28. I found and joined the Non-Blonde blog for the different yet timeless voice of its blogger on perfumes. I found out about her makeup voice as well. Gaia was elegant and classy. She gave herself unselfishly in her blogs. Belated thank you, Gaia, wherever you may be.

  29. I'm so sorry for your loss - and the world's. Gaia had an amazing gift for describing not just how perfume smells, but how it makes you feel. She could transport you to another place with her words. <3

  30. My deepest sympathy to you and your family on your sad loss. Gaia’s talent and hard work were greatly appreciated. I especially loved reading her reviews of fragrances. My thoughts are with you.

  31. Oh, I am so saddened to read this news.
    I read Gaia's blog for many years, and enjoyed her insights into beauty and fragrance.
    All my sympathy for her family and friends.
    Thank you for the lovely photo of Gaia and her cats.

  32. I am saddened to hear about the unexpected sudden loss of Gaia. Thank you Ori for sharing your beautiful tribute to your beloved wife with us (her loyal blog readers). For many years, I enjoyed reading her daily posts and unique perspective on art, fashion, historical & contemporary Parfum, the vast array of beauty products, music, books... and cats:) The world has lost a special kindred soul and voice. She will be greatly missed. May you and your loved ones find comfort and peace in time.

  33. This is devastating news. Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss. She was an amazing woman who influenced me greatly. She will be sorely missed. The world has lost a gorgeously perfumed beautiful gem of a human.

  34. I'm so very sorry to hear this. Gaia was a lovely soul, I enjoyed her writing so much over the years and though I never met her, felt she was my friend. Wishing you peace...

  35. Oh no! So sorry for your loss. Her wonderful words will be missed by many.

  36. So very sorry for this deep loss. I enjoyed her writing and though we have never met, I felt a closeness from her blog. My condolences.

  37. Shocked and saddened to be reading this. I've been checking-in every few days, in hope of reading another wonderful post from Gaia. Sending deepest condolences from the UK, to you and your family and friends xx

  38. Dear Ori and Family, I am so sorry for your loss. I have been a devoted reader of the blog for many years and I am shocked and saddened by the news. I wish you comfort and peace.

  39. I never comment anything on the internet. But I am deeply touched. I have been reading Gaia for so long and I will miss her posts and thoughts. So sorry for your loss.

  40. I can hardly believe this happened...Gaia's blog was the first perfume blog I started following some years ago. I admired her witty style and fine and competent writing. I'm so very sorry. My deepest condolences and a big hug of support to the family. I will always remember her.

  41. My condolences. I loved her blog, though never commented. Rest in peace, Gaia... we will miss you here.

  42. I am so sad to hear this. All my love and condolences from Portland, Oregon.

  43. Ori, thank you for your beautiful tribute to Gaia. She was such a light in my life. I will miss her greatly. Farewell, dear Gaia.

  44. A heart-stopping post. Gaia's blog is testament to a love of beauty and has been seductive and wonderful.

    That the words are trite makes them no less true - I am sorry for your loss.

  45. my condolences- so saddened to read this.

  46. My deepest condolences. I read nonblonde ever since I started my journey into fragrance world about 10 years ago. Hers is one of the top 3 perfume blogs I frequent up to now.

    Gaia, you will be truly missed.

  47. Gaia will be deeply missed by all readers and followers. Her blog The nonblonde was the first blog I red frequently, especially for her entertaining, sharp and so professional perfume reviews. Sorry for your loss and all the best to you. RIP Gaia

  48. Just read the news on Bois Jassmin's facebook account and i just... this is so incredibly sad! i am so sorry for your loss, Ori... i cannot imagine how hard it must have been for you to write this post.... i never met Gaia, but have been reading her posts for years, so it still feels like losing a dear friend... the world has become yet a bit dimmer... take care, XOXO Wendy

  49. This is incredibly sad news. She was a wonderful writer and a bright spirit. Wishing you comfort and love.

  50. I have been struggling to process this heartbreaking news and I just can't make sense of it. I never met Gaia in person but we knew each other through an online writing community and then social media for closet to 20 years. She was such a delight to me, helping me navigate my way through my ever evolving makeup and perfume love and collecting. I will never stop missing her and I am so incredibly sorry for your loss Ori, so very sorry.

  51. Dear Ori, thank you for sharing this perfect tribute with so many people who loved Gaia, either through her words or (in some very fortunate cases) in "real life." I'll always think of her as one of the most generous and grounded people I've met through a shared love of perfume --- not to mention her very true and unique glamour. Hugs to you and the cats. xoxo

  52. I am completely devastated. Heart broken. I've read her blog from the start and it was always a bright spot in my day - her genius writing skills, her love of feline children, vintage scents and on and on. I have no remotely adequate words to express my sorrow, but am sending you and your feline children all my love. Anna

  53. I commented already, but I was still in a state of total shock and disbelief when I did. I've been sniffing some of my favorite vintage scents that I know she loved and lavishly spritzed on some Mon Peche and just wanted to say one more thing - one of the things I appreciated most about Gaia was that she was one of those rare people who really knew how to live. She knew what was valuable in life and how to appreciate it and she shared that with all of us. She was a constant reminder to me to find beauty in every aspect of my daily life, no matter what was going on, no matter how hard times might have been. Again, my most heartfelt condolences. Anna

  54. I'm reading this reeling in shock and sadness. Gaia's blog was always a source of information with her own unique spice and wit to make it a delicious sensory experience just by reading her words. And of course, the cats....always the beautiful cats. My deepest condolences to you on your loss, Ori. Heaven will be brighter now.

  55. I can't imagine the shock and the pain Gaia's husband, family, and friends must be feeling. I feel as though I have lost a dear friend and I didn't even know her beyond this wonderful website. My most sincere sympathies to all.

  56. It's a terrible loss. I feel your pain yet I pray she is in a better place infused with incredible beauty and irresistible fragrance!

  57. This is incredibly sad, with a tiny silver lining of being spared the indignity of a prolonged illness...I hope this serves as small consolation in the coming months, it will take a while to set in...
    We hadn't met physically but I always considered her a kindred spirit, a wonderful person and a beacon of truthfulness on the Net. She will be sorely missed.

    Elena of

  58. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Gaia's love of cats and all the beautiful creatures she fed outside is what made me love her and follow her writing. There are no words to describe how sorry I am. I do hope her babies/cats will continue to be loved. They are feeling this immense loss, too.

  59. I am very sorry for your loss. Gaia will be missed deeply. I cried when I read this the other day. Me and Gaia have never met in person. I asked my husband if it is weird to cry for someone you don't "know". I cried for the beauty of her life to be unfairly broken, so suddenly. I discovered Gaia's blog through another blog many years ago. I kept reading it everywhere in the world I moved to, over the years. I was disappointed to see the frequency of the post decrease. I understand better now why, and can only like her more for it. Gaia's encyclopedic knowledge and thoughtful writing was simply mind blowing and to be admired. Gaia gave me and all readers so many nice moments of wonderful inspiration, a good read after a a long day at work or in the evening while poking around the web. I admired this lady, so elegant and with so much good taste. I admired the resolution that came through from her writing. Thank you. R.I.P beautiful Gaia.

  60. Ori, I am heartbroken. I'm one of those readers, and probably there are many more of us out here that read Gaia's postings almost everyday for many years but never left comments. Checking in with Gaia was a weekly, and sometimes daily ritual. Honestly, it was sometimes the best part of my day at a job that was fairly hard to endure at times. But I could always count on being inspired, informed, and entertained by something Gaia would share with all of us. I will miss her voice so much as I'm sure so many will. I respected what Gaia had to say because she was respectful of her audience. She had integrity and character. She was loving and kind. She was the real deal. And she made this world a better place for her having been in it. Take care Ori. And thank you for sharing Gaia with us...

  61. I mean no disrespect to those who knew Gaia personally.
    I am devastated over this news. I could not stop crying and I am not a crier.
    I have followed Gaia for well over 10 years.
    Gaia inspired me to pursue my passion for perfumes.
    I now have a collection of over 250 bottles and a personal database of records into the 1000’s. Gaia is the only person referenced in my database. I have her as nb for non-blonde along with her opinion of that particular fragrance.
    Gaias musings were eloquent, unique, warm and honest.
    Her choice of accompanying images were luscious and evocative.
    Even when she became disillusioned, her writings swarmed with a depth of subtle undertones.
    I will miss her deeply and wish I could thank her for truly influencing and bettering my life.
    I am crying again.
    Lisa - Australia

  62. I'm so sorry for your loss, Ori. Gaia's blog was my first exposure as a teenager to fragrance and beauty beyond the drugstore and Bath & Body Works, and she was a hugely formative influence on my tastes over the past 12 years. I read and loved every entry--Gaia and her work will be deeply missed. My condolences to you and your family.

  63. I will miss as many, her fragrant writing voice. Many blessings to you and your love ones.

  64. Thank you for telling us, with all the pain involved. I'm shocked and can't find my words for a loving and loved suffering husband. For a year now I missed Gaia posting regularly. I kept looking for her post every few days. She was for me the only authentic voice on perfumes. Whenever I was looking for an open minded opinion on a perfume, hers was the ultimate one. The same about her view on politics or arts. And I secretly cherished that we loved the same perfumes. And not the last, it was so refreshing the way she sometimes mentioned your relationship, funny and warm and open, I feel the same about my own one, never boring.
    Now I will be for always sorry that I didn't comment on one of her last posts, 'New Perfume Releases- Do We Care? Should We Care?'. Nobody else writes like that. I loved it.
    Oh, I shall miss her so much.

  65. Gaia was one of the very first bloggers to help me navigate going down the rabbit hole of perfume. She was witty and right on and trustworthy when it came to reviews. I'm so very sorry for your loss. As a fellow cat lover with a pride of felines, I think she leaves on Freya's chariot. What a great loss to us all--condolences to you and the family.

  66. I'm very sorry to read this. I will miss her perfume reviews and recommendations. Thanks to her I discovered a new world of fragances and perfumes that I didn't know existed and I will always be grateful for that.

  67. Absolutely devastated. She'll be so missed. Sending sympathy during this most difficult time.

  68. I am very shocked and deeply saddened by this tragic news...This is my first comment on her blog, but I have been following her thoughtful posts, her eloquent writing and vibrant personality for several years, across several countries. She was a joy to read. I am so very sorry for your and her loved ones' terrible loss. She will be missed dearly and remembered for a long time. Dorina

  69. So very sorry for your loss, Ori. Gaia knew she was loved. Her many readers loved her also.

  70. Nooooooo! It cannot be! How can this be? Oh Ori I wish to speak words of comfort and how much I absolutely Adored dearest Gaia but I can barely see the screen. I am dissolved in tears. And stricken by grief. This night I pray for you and the whole family. Gaia was and will ever be such a Treasure.

  71. I am shocked and devastated, I have been following (but rarely commenting) the blog for at least ten years, it was the only makeup blog I felt I could trust and I really enjoyed her musings. She will be missed.

  72. Gaia was a treasure to all of us who knew her through her generous work on this blog. I can't imagine what you and the rest of her family and friends must be going through. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  73. I'm very sorry for your loss. Gaia was truly one of a kind. I loved her singular wit and her voice that came across in everything she wrote. I learned so much from her. She was truly admired and treasured.

  74. I gasped when I saw the announcement of Gaia’s untimely passing through the email I received from BestThingsinBeauty. So very, very sad. I was a stranger to Gaia, and yet she touched my heart, and delighted me with the smart and witty posts she wrote to the world—about vintage perfumes (she got me started on this), her love for blue eyeliner, her descriptions of your cat children. Oh, how I will miss her.

  75. I'm devastated to hear this and truly sorry for your loss. Gaia was an inspiration to me, even though I only knew her through her writings on this blog. She was an example of a beauty on the inside and outside. I will make sure to add an extra spritz of perfume in her honor today.

  76. I am coming to this late but am sincerely shocked at this news. She was a unique, singular, passionate, generous voice. In her honor I have made a donation to Best Friends Animal Society. May her memory be a blessing always.

  77. I am so incredibly sorry to read that.
    I have been reading Gaia for years although I have posted very few comments.

    My deepest condolences to all of her loved ones from Spain!


  78. I'm so sorry for your loss. The Non Blonde was one of the blogs that got me into perfume as a teenager (many years ago now) and remained a favorite as I grew up and moved to New York. Our interests overlapped and I felt like I knew her through her wonderful posts. I had a birthday dinner at Kajitsu after reading Gaia's recommendation. She touched many lives through her blog, and helped make my world a little more glamorous.

  79. I'm so very sorry. Gaia's blog was wonderful. She is missed. God bless you.

  80. Ori, my deepest sympathies to you and all of yours. So sad to read this today.

  81. The news came to me half an hour ago. I'm so shocked and devastated. I was reading Gaia's blog for more than eight years and for me it was always like a warm nest for all the perfume newbies and a safe place for honest and unbiased yet elegant and "to the point" opinions about all the beauty related things. I was too shy to post a comment all these years and I'm so sorry that today I did it for the saddest reason.
    My deepest condolences to you on your loss, Ori and all her loved ones. Today I'll spritz some of this vintage Shalimar that she loved so much in her honor. She will be missed.
    Zoe - Greece

  82. Je suis profondément attristé , les mots me manquent .
    Que Gaia repose en paix , dans un paradis fait de senteurs enchanteresses.
    J'ai une pensée pour vous et vos chats , je vous envoie depuis la France beaucoup d'amour pour que vous puissiez surmonter cette épreuve .
    Mille merci Gaia

  83. I was very sad to hear of this news and I regret not keeping in better touch with her in recent years. She was an absolutely amazing person and a fantastic friend and I'm sure that her loss will be felt by many. I can't even imagine how things must feel for you and my thoughts are with you during this terrible time.

  84. Ori, I am so sorry for your loss. So many of us only knew Gaia through her blog, but she was so open and honest, that we did feel like we knew her. I cannot even imagine the devastation you and the cats must be experiencing. Hopefully, the outpouring of affection and connection will give you some small measure of comfort, to know that she added so very much to so many people's lives. May her memory be a blessing.

  85. I had not visited Gas's post in awhile and was simply STUNNED about this message! I will always treasure her because I learned about the best perfume and make-up recommendations from her. Thanks Gaia, and may you rest in peace... Lydia.

  86. I'm truly shocked by this and so sorry for your loss. I have read Gaia's blog for many years and I looked forward to reading each new post as it was published. Her love of perfume, taught me so much about the subject, introducing me to perfumers outside of the big commercial brands and to so many beautiful scents. Thank you, Gaia!
    My sincere condolences to you and all her loved ones
    Ann - England

  87. I am so so sad to read this today - I've been on maternity leave and not online much. Gaia taught me so much. Hester - South Africa.

  88. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I learned so much from her blog, and admired her so much. May all of you who mourn for her be comforted.

  89. Heartbroken to hear this news (rather belatedly). Gaia's blog was a source of inspiration and education for me since 2007. I was sad she wasn't moved to post her thoughts more regularly in recent years, but always delighted when she dropped in to share something upon occasion. Her voice, her insights, her passions will be greatly missed online.

    My heart goes out to you and to all your kitties.

  90. Gaia made my days more colorful and bearable when my mom was fighting cancer. Her voice was truly unique. Rest in power, you Shalimar smelling, witty scorpion!
    Ana Flávia, Brasil.

  91. Oh, Gaia -- how heartbreaking! I've been away for a little while, since she stopped writing but would check in and read some of her older posts on occasion. This is my first time back before the sad news.

    I have long enjoyed Gaia's honesty and defiantly true sense of style. She was one of the first fragrance bloggers I started following when I came into my love of fragrance about 15 years ago. I can even remember what was going on in my 20's during the period of certain entries of her, my own memory associations with the fragrances I was trying at the time.

    I loved her fragrance descriptions and the personal stories she would add to explain her perspective, what influenced her love (or not) of a scent. I loved hearing bits and pieces about her Mother, her less than successful romances of the past that influenced her fragrance memories and her sincere honesty in what she saw as the effectiveness or non-effectiveness of products.

    I will so miss her voice. But I'm glad I had the chance to share in her inner world of beauty. May where her essence floats to now be a place of the eternally, divinely fragrant.

  92. WWHHHAAT?!!! i'm heartbroken to see this unexpected news...I have come less to the blog since starting grad school, but clicked on one of the many saved posts of hers and came to see if there was a new one and saw this devastating news. I appreciated her honest and thoughtful reviews and beautiful posts about what she was currently loving, fragrance and her sense of style. It was refreshing in the current influencer scene...her unique voice will live on. thank you Gaia and thank you to all the fellow readers for continuing to support this little fragrant space on the interwebs. V.- CA

  93. I still come back here to look up things that I remember reading about only here. I miss Gaia's "perfume poetry" soooo much. Still so saddened by the loss. ♥♥♥

  94. I'm so sorry to hear this sad news today. I am thinking about Gaia as I buy a bottle of " La fille de Berlin" this afternoon. She inspires me to buy quailty perfume. Thanks Gaia. xo

  95. What extremely sad news. I read the blog for years and loved how evocative Gaias writing was when she reviewed fragrance, it was like I could feel it. Gaia was my gateway to fragrances that weren't commercial. I will forever be grateful for finding her blog and will continue to use her beautifully descriptive reviews as my reference point. She will be missed very much.
    I am so sorry for you loss. x

  96. Oh no! I would always find her wonderful posts through some strange search and then become enthralled by her style and sensibility. I never bookmarked it as, for me, it was too alluring and I have been busy. I am sad to see this announcement and Gaia, thank you for your erudite words! You accomplished what you set out to do: be a strong, articulate, stylish and independent voice in a roar of P.R. Our sweet little kitten passed mysteriously, at the same time last year. I hope he finds you and says hello: he always smelled of jasmine and rosemary. May Bast protect you both until you come this side again. xx

  97. I miss her articles, stories, so much. I came here today, just to read some of her past writings. ♥

  98. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  99. Oh my goodness, I am so terribly sad and sorry to read this just today when I thought I would look up one of my old favourite blogs. Gaia always wrote such honest opinions on products which I loved and she never sold out like most bloggers. Such a genuine person. I am so sorry for your families’ loss.

  100. I have just now read about Gaia’s passing. To her loved ones: I am very sorry for your loss. RIP, dear Gaia. I have greatly enjoyed (and will continue to enjoy) your unique blog. xoxoxo

  101. My friend, I miss you so, so much. It comforts me to see your words here in this archive of all these things that are you.

  102. J’ai cueilli ce brin de bruyère.
    L’automne est morte, souviens-t’en.
    Nous ne verrons plus sur terre
    Odeur du temps, brin de bruyère,
    Et souviens-toi que je t’attends.
    So long Gaia :(

  103. Dear Gaia,

    It's been a while since I've known you've moved on. I cried when I found out, and I'm crying now too.

    I was in college when I first stumbled across your blog - that was more than 10 years ago! - and I just loved your way with words. You convinced me to try more than one perfume with your thoughtful reviews. Sadly, our fragrance tastes are very different! Haha. But I always trusted your opinions.

    I just purchased my first L'Occitane item and was greatly impressed, thank you for recommending it. I just wish I had connected with you before, instead of leaving a comment now.

    Thank you to Ori for keeping The Non Blonde up and running. The world was truly a better place with her in it.

  104. A year without Gaia ... I will light a candle, for her soul. Big hugs from Greece

  105. This Thanksgiving I just wanted to say that I am so very grateful for all those years of brilliant posts, all the news and photos of the fur children and my heart is with all who loved her and our cats send enormous amounts of love to your cats.

  106. Just to let you know, you are always remembered, Gaia.

  107. One year has passed. It was a year of firsts for Ori and your cats. The biggest "first" - the first anniversary of your passing - is a few days behind, now. I hope that Ori is ok; the first year is awful. Gaia, you were always kind and I learned so much about perfume, discovered new scents, songs, and ideas from you. If only you could see the world as it is now, far worse for the wear especially without someone like you in it.

  108. Je ne vous oublie pas Gaia vous me manquez ....
    Une pensée pour vous Ori en se triste anniversaire 🙏

  109. I'm so sorry for this news are for your loss. Thank you for making this post and keeping the blog up. I first visited this site years ago and I'm at a loss for words actually. Gaia's writing was really evocative, I had so much respect for her perspectives and opinions. I'm so grateful for her years of work in an ocean of shallow sponsored content.

  110. Hi Ori. I looked forward to the Non-Blonde constantly. Gaia never posted enough for me! I loved her Currently posts and got turned onto so many great books, ideas, and products on this blog. I loved meeting all the cats and hearing about their activities. She really touched my life. Hope you are well. Lots of love. A huge fan.

  111. A little more than one year has passed and I miss you and your writing so much Gaia. I know you are gone but your beautiful memory and words are so much alive to me.

  112. I'm very shocked to find out about this. I read The Non Blonde since its early days, when I was in university... I loved Gaia's honesty and wry humour. She struck me as being a very special kind of woman. Thank you for bringing a little bit of luxury and joy to your readers' lives.

  113. Thank you for keeping the blog going. I hope you can turn some of the pieces into a publication of some sort.

  114. Ori, I am an early subscriber who took a break and just found this post. I am so saddened to learn about Gaia. I found her work here to be so valuable, her voice of passion and humor. Wishing you love.

  115. I was just re-reading your posts, and realize how much I miss your sense of humor and wit about topics that were also near and dear to my soul. How I miss you, Ms. Gaia. I hope the days are easier for Ori and your furbabies.

  116. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  117. Still can’t get over your passing!😢 You and your writing have left such a big hole…. Miss you!💕

  118. Moving through the world where everything seems a blur there are those that you notice, those that stand out. You are missed dear Gaia.

  119. Have been thinking of those things for which I'm grateful and I remain grateful for all the many years I read this blog - it was always a joy to find a new post. Gaia really was a master at the art of knowing how to live well. My thoughts are with you and the feline children and my feline children definitely are sending all their love to your feline children. I would always show them pictures Gaia would post and try to suggest to them that they might also try to be a bit more friendly with the camera.

  120. Une pensée à Gaia en ce triste anniversaire .
    Paix à son âme

  121. Happy New Year Gaia, you are lost but not forgotten.


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