
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Currently- August 2014

Losing Clementine by Ashley Ream. This was probably not the best time to read a book about an artist planning her suicide. Still, it's a good one, and less disturbing than The Expats by Chris Pavone, an espionage story, that I just finished.

The Magnetic Fields- All My Little Words

Fixer Upper on HGTV. Who knew Waco, Texas, was such a treasure trove of real estate?

I'm still completely mesmerized by Rozy, and still at loss of words to do it justice. Other than that I've been wearing a lot of Chanel No.5. Because it's Chanel No.5.

The new Lancome Grandiose mascara. It's the one with the bent wand. Review coming soon.

Frequently Worn Outfit/Item
I'm craving pink. The problem is that I have almost no pink clothes.

Tomato salad. Fresh tomatoes and banana peppers from our garden, a chunk of feta cheese, maybe half a jalapeno, olive oil and a dash of sea salt. Heaven.

Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure
Taking days off from blogging. As much pride as I take in my self-discipline, I needed some summer hours and mental-health days.
Also: I really enjoyed Guardians Of The Galaxy. And now I want a pet raccoon.

Doing my best to remain in Eileen's Baneless Zone.

Still these little faces:



Good hunting in Brimfield. I think I'm mostly looking for pieces to decorate the guest bedroom, but who knows?

Random Thought
How hard is it for Facebook to make it possible to set "show recent stories" as default? (Also: "block all selfies")

How are you doing? Please share your loves, banes, recommendations, and random thoughts.

Top image by Fabius Lorenzi, 1926, via


  1. We are definitely not scent twins--but book twins. Maile Meloy, Helen Simpson -- no one I know reads them!

  2. Loved Guardians of the Galaxy. Your kittens are so precious! Have a decant of Rozy, I just haven't tried it yet, because the weather just seems so gosh darn hot (or maybe it's just me.)

  3. Katie and Philip - I find it literally impossible to believe that anyone who sees those sweet faces would not fall instantly, hopelessly in love with them. They could never be anything but a source of joy.
    Love Stephin Merritt's voice.
    And Rozy - I feel like I should send VK dozens of roses or something for having created this - although, in truth, nothing I could offer would truly be sufficient to express the appreciation I feel over being able to experience this scent.
    And wearing it helps distract me from trying to find every long forgotten perfumes mentioned in the vintage Vogues/Bazaars I continue to collect (stacks and stacks piling up - DH mystified at how these can offer comfort). On a side note, just read a description of Bandit that was given in a Vogue for one of their frequently offered perfume samplers (so wish I could find these on ebay - lots of other samplers, but never do seem to come across those from Vogue and Bazaar) and the writer has to have confused it with Fracas as they describe it as "an insolent, sweet meeting of tuberose, jasmine and musk." Bandit? Don't think so.
    Stunned to discover that Project Runway has been on and I've been so in another place that I wasn't even aware of it.

  4. Book – None, nothing at the moment sends me.
    Music – Anything with Henry Rollins, it doesn’t hurt that he was in our Library today, I got to see the back of his head. ☺
    TV – I’m all about Orange is the New Black.
    Perfume – I’ve been wearing vintage Hermes Amazone edp. One of my very favorite chypres.
    Makeup – I’m going easy on the makeup, my skin’s been doing crazy things of late.
    Frequently Worn Outfit/Item – Combat boots!
    Food – I’ve been making a ton of home made baba ganoush and falafel, my hubby is in heaven.
    Guilty Pleasure – Taking a few days off, I haven’t had a vacation in three years, and I’m so overdue.
    Bane – Finding a new employee who has the work experience I’m looking for.
    Joy – Hearing our kitty Gino chirrup and squeak. He is such a sweet little fellow. And he loves to cuddle! Introductions with our existing kitty are going slowly but we’re getting there.
    Anticipation – School starts next week, traffic is already insane!
    Random Thought – Eight hours (preferably 12) of sleep would be great.

  5. Book
    Mad Girl's Love Song: Sylvia Plath and Life Before Ted by Andrew Wilson

    Art-Hounds by Morrissey

    Comme des Garçons scents, especially Zagorsk, Hinoki and Sugi.
    But the big news is: for years my relationship status with CdG 2 was "it's complicated" but last
    Saturday I finally fell in love with it!

    Brick red lipstick


  6. I haven't seen the show, but I can tell you that Waco was one of Texas' "big cities" before Dallas was. But it didn't grow as much, so a lot of the old neighborhoods stayed intact, unlike the Dallas area where they were torn down and replaced by modern construction, new roads, etc. So there are a lot of fixer-uppers there!

  7. Book
    "My 1980s & Other Essays" by Wayne Kostenbaum, the poet and critic. I have such a huge pile of books to work on, and it brings me joy. But also reminds me that I am low on tea. I'm a huge tea + book kind of a gal.

    New material from The Weeknd, of course! And lots of Flying Lotus.

    Er, no.

    I went to Sephora on Sunday after the movies (I saw "The Expendables 3" and it was brainless and fun) and tried on the current Chanel Coco EDP and why don't I have a bottle of this yet!? So, so good and so inexpensive.

    The Armani Eyes to Kill Mania singles or whatever the hell they're called, the new Stila Fall palettes (I have Soul and I'm debating Spirit), and the L'Oreal Manga mascara.

    Frequently Worn Outfit/Item
    Skinny jeans all day, erryday. I do need to have my boots re-soled now that Summer is just about over, and I am in the market for a new pair of booties and cute flats.

    Tempura cauliflower and baby spinach. Truffled barley with kale. Chicken salad. White Castle burgers. This week's food adventure is going to be trying out a Vietnamese place I haven't been to yet.

    Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure
    Besides my White Castle + movie night binge? Just wasting time. I am so stressed these days and finding a reason to chill out is always helpful. Also, makeup shopping.

    I really need better storage for my fragrances and it's stressing me out. Mostly I need a trip to IKEA but my inability to drive is an issue.

    New makeup, new food, the newest addition at work, and the end of summer!

    All of my upcoming time off in the next two weeks!

    Chanel Coco EDP, NARS Dolomites e/s duo, the MUFE Artist palette, Tom Ford Fall (which I've already pre-ordered), new booties, new bras, and a kitten.

    Random Thought
    I'm hungry!


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