
Friday, June 08, 2012

Karl Lagerfeld to Design Shu Uemura Holiday 2012 Collection

Karl Lagerfeld has been long known to use Shu Uemura makeup for his fashion illustration. His little Shu habit is now going to turn into an exciting collaboration between the makeup brand and his Karlness. According to WWD, Lagerfeld will create a special holiday collection, labeled Karl Lagerfeld for Shu Uemura. Uncle Karl
" in charge of the color selection and the packaging — and he has already photographed the accompanying campaign."
No word if we, US customers, will have a chance to get this limited edition Shu Uemura collection.

By the way, Lagerfeld's kitten, Choupette, prefers to use an iPad...

Info and top image: WWD.
Choupette photo from Dlisted


  1. Oh, Gaia, I love the photos that you find of the darling, spoiled Chupette. Of course, EVERY kitten deserves its own French maid and iPad - and they know it! ~~nozknoz

  2. Mercy!

    In MY world, it's waaaaaay too early to think of fall and the holidays.

    We haven't had The Glorious Fourth, nor have I had my 52nd birthday, exactly a week later.

    I know it's the way of retail, and the way of retail fashion in particular, but mercy, there's still a fair bit of summer left!

    Choupette remains adorable.

    Lawrence in Ohio

  3. It just occurred to me: Have we ever seen Uncle Karl's eyes??? I don't think I've ever seen him without the shades.

    Count me as a member of the Choupette Admiration Society.


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