
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Currently- June 2012

Rereading (after too many years) Sherlock Holmes. A few weeks ago the husband and I watched the new adaptation by Steven Moffat (of Coupling fame). He liked it but I didn't. My Sherlock can't be modern. I need the 19th Century background and Victorian gloom. In any case, the TV mini series sent us downloading all the books (free on Amazon and iBooks). Love.

Laura Marling:

All of them? But seriously, I'm developing an unhealthy attachment to everything Amouage. Opus VI is beyond good and feels like it was made for me.

Cream eye shadows. Except reviews of Ellis Faas (the new ones), Estee Lauder, and Smashbox.

Frequently Worn Item/Outfit
Vintage jewelry. Also a DVF dress in a navy/cream print.

Green papaya Thai salad. I could eat it every day.

Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure
Chocolate pudding.

Bane Of My Existence
The last dinner I had at my favorite Thai restaurant was not only less than stellar, but also was bad for my stomach. I'm reluctant to go back there, since it's not like there's an abundance of  100% vegetarian places in the city, let alone Thai ones.

Sharing my perfume insanity passion with friends.

I foresee saying the same thing next month, too, but my sister is 7-8 weeks away from giving birth to my nephew. Have I mentioned how much I love this aunting gig?

Good antiquing. I need to add some storage in my dressing room and I'd rather not go the Ikea route.

Random Thought
Sometimes the idea of people "following" me on Twitter freaks me out a little. Then I remember that even more read this blog and I laugh at myself.

How are you doing? Please share your recommendations and thoughts, random or not, in the comments.

Photo taken by the husband in Newport, RI.


  1. I've just begun reading Game of Thrones, having been sucked in by the series. I enjoy realistic fantasy, as it inspires my imagination. Although I love to write, I don't have the imagination to create a completely new world of my own, so I have a great appreciation for those authors who do.

    I'm currently loving Violet Blond, a fragrance I purchased solely on the recommendations of this and several other blogs. I'm working on setting higher standards for fragrances, but I find I'm having to gradually open my mind (and nose) to new notes in order to gain an appreciation for the truly unique scents out there.

    I've recently fallen for cream eyeshadows, as well. It took me forever to figure out my preferred method of application, but once I mastered that...there's been no turning back. I'm also in the process of mastering the art of using eyeliner pens, which have confounded me. I always end up with liner all over my lashes, which are quite long. Yesterday seemed to mark a turning point, and I sense a new world of makeup opening up to me in the near future.

    On the home front, we're also working on completely re-doing my girls' bathroom in bolder colors and textures. My husband, who has issues with color, is wary of the transformation, but for once I managed to convince him that I am, indeed, capable of visualizing a concept and bringing it to life. We'll see if I'm right.

  2. Reading: The Confusion by Neal Stephenson. 2nd book in a trilogy and soooo good.
    Fragrance: Omnia Madera
    Make-up: As little as possible since it has been very warm in Kansas. No one has said I look like a hag, so my cheap tinted moisturizer, mineral powder, and Nars blush must be doing something right.
    Wearing: Cotton and rayon summer dresses, plus Athleta skorts and skirts
    Home: Gardening! Wax begonias and other pretties.
    School: Area exam. If I only write a sentence a day, that's still better than nothing.
    Appreciation: Thanks so much for sharing the link to the Raeviewer's drugstore picks recently. I think I'm going to pick up some of those NYX eye pencils. Also - as always, I'm prepping another samples order based partially on a few of your posts. I plan to try out Tauer's Reverie Au Jardin and Mona di Orio's Vetyver.

  3. Book: A Feast for Crows, Book 4 of A Song of Fire and Ice (Aka: Game of Thrones)

    Music: My son's latest CD--pretty good she says with a mother's pride ;-)

    Perfume: Jo Malone's Orange Blossom

    Makeup: Guerlain's Capri, Sunblonds, and Brenda.

    Frequently Worn: Jeans, cotton shirt, and a big sun hat--lots of gardening this week.

    Food: Various salads like mixed baby greens, blackberries, avocado, candied walnuts tossed with a pomegranate vinaigrette. Hot, crusty baguette on the side.

    Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Reese's Pieces. I bought some to bake cookies and had some left over--but not for long!

    Bane Of My Existence: I just don't think in terms of having any banes.

    Joy: Getting my garden in tip top shape and playing with my dogs who are convinced they're helping me.

    Anticipation: Dinner with our sons at our favorite Lebanese restaurant later this week.

    Wishlist: I'd love more time with my guys. Everyone is just so busy!

    Random Thought: My garden will be lovely this year for our Midsummer's Eve dinner party: flowering plants and shrubs, trees loaded with fruit, candles shimmering in lanterns.

    1. Who is your son and what is his latest CD? This music lover needs to know!

  4. Not reading much these days, but I have books on my shelves!
    Fragrance that I'm loving right now: Annick Goutal Un Matin d'Orage. It just seems to be the right scent for everyday in this season. I'll have to do a search of your reviews on this line!
    Bane of my existence: I've just moved and I have storage shortage for my kitchen items!
    Make up: I'm wearing simple eye make up and using bolder lipstick/glosses!

  5. Reading- Rereading tons, absolute tons of Christopher Isherwood. The Berlin Stories, and Christopher And His Kind. For new reading, Mark Kurlansky's World Without Fish, and Karen Karbo's The Gospel According to Coco Chanel, possibly the best book I've read about Mademoiselle.

    Eating- raspberries by the little plastic box, white(!) toast with butter (real.)

    Music- Joan Baez, from Diamonds and Rust up to Recently(sadly out of print- so glad I still have some cassette machines!)

    Bane- the Upstairs neighbors. Their bedroom is over my living room. Sometimes it sounds as though she's auditioning for a certain genre of fillum.

    Fragrance- Violet Blonde. Still want to try Neroli Portofino, but even the bar soap is 35.00 USD.

    Joy- my great-nephew is bringing his parents back here to Ohio in the next few weeks. Being an uncle or an aunt is wonderful.

    Anticipation- my 20th college class reunion next Saturday (16 June).
    Not sure what on EARTH I'll wear, but I have a great haircut and will smell terrific.

    Wishing all who come to this wonderful site a serene and scented week!

    Lawrence in Ohio

  6. Book - Canada. (its new out - I can't think of the author!). Have you seen the BBC Sherlock Holmes mini series - it combines the Victorian charm of London with a modern backdrop!?

    Eating - Rose and pistachio flavoured chocolate! yum! Would love to know what's in your salad!

    Bane - having to move out of the apartment we love because the landlady is a nightmare to deal with.

    Fragrance - the end of an old bottle of Chanel no 5.

    Joy - Lazy weekends with my boyfriend.

    Make up - Rediscovering GA ETK Rock Sand and the gold from the Christmas collection. Also GA blush in no 10. Hourglass primer no 28.

    Shame inducing guilty pleasure - watching the kardashians - I hate them but I find them so watchable!

    Wearing: Cotton summer dresses.

    Random thought: All moments pass - the good ones and the bad ones.

  7. Book: Jane Eyre – nothing like any of the movies. Much better

    Music: On shuffle are Beth Ditto, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Hilary Hahn

    Perfume: Jo Malone French Lime Blossom

    Make-Up – MAC Extended Play mascara and Fleet Fast blush

    Frequently Worn: Not Your Daughter’s Jeans and a black Old Navy Tank top

    Food – SHRIMP!! Got it on sale and am happily wallowing in it.

    Shame-Inducing Pleasure – Don’t have any

    Bane of my Existence: Time Sheets (it’s a law firm thing, you don’t want to know)

    Joy: My family room and kitchen are SPOTLESS

    Anticipation: Sitting on my balcony with a cold Dogfish Head Beer and my Kindle, finishing Jane Eyre and starting a new book

    Wishlist: Car that isn’t a black-hole of my money

    Random thought: Pierre Hermes’ Macaroons

  8. @Murai Lol on the timesheets - I work in an accountancy firm!

  9. Hi Gaia,

    Today I gathered the requisite amount of nerve to inquire of your expertise: I was wondering exactly what an "amber" fragrance smells like. At this time, I'm "off" florals and clean-smelling aromas and gravitate to vanillas, and a warm sultry (could be oriental-ish) note. Are you able to point me in a direction? I'm not readily able to personally visit counters so I would be purchasing blindly ... many thanks for many bits of advice anyone could offer me. xoxo Beth in Pgh ;-)

    1. Beth, "amber" is a pretty wide category of perfumes, often (but not always) containing vanilla/tonka bean. It can be more of an accord than a single note. I highly recommend reading the section about raw materials/notes on Perfume Shrine (I think elena has a link to the amber article directly on her front page).
      There are many wonderful amber perfumes from man brands. A good place to start exploring is by getting a sample pack: the Perfumed Court has an amber sampler. An even better option is calling MiN NY and using their concierge service to select a bunch of samples that interest you.
      That said, I can also think of some ambery cheap thrills: Ambarfris oil by Madini (I reviewed it a few years ago) is as stunning and unique as they come. There are also several amber oils sold at Whole Foods that are worth trying. Also Molinard (some online discounters have it), and Balmain Ambre Gris (heavily discounted on Parfum1).


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