
Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Non-Blonde Is Two!

Two years ago I decided I had something to say about lipstick, perfume and Mary-Kate Olsen's sense of style. I didn't think other people would be very interested, but this medium is very forgiving, and expressing myself was fun. Soon I realized people were actually reading and coming back for more. I discovered my writing voice and the joy of interacting with people around the globe who share my interests.

Today is my second blogging anniversary, a perfect opportunity to thank my readers and friends for making this such a wonderful experience. You're the ones who helped me take The Non-Blonde to the next level and make it more than just a self-indulgent hobby. I've learned a lot in the last two years and had fun every step of the way.

Here's to you and to another beautiful year,


Image: lavender and red lilies in my patio (a couple of years ago).


  1. Happy Anniversary!

    So glad to have found your blog a few months back!

  2. I like the way you write and I always read your blog with great pleasure,

    Felice Anniversario!

  3. I just found your blog yesterday and I think your tips are so helpful. I have olive skin, too and some eye shadows just do not work for my skin. I thought it was my fault :D but now I know more how to work my skin tone. Thanks a lot.
    Happy Anniversary!

  4. Yay! I have really enjoyed reading your blog - not just the perfume reviews, but the dead-on fashion & celebrity snark - you're a girl after my own heart! ;-)

  5. Your blog has substance.

  6. Congrats, sweetpea !
    I can't believe it's two years already...

    [I confess- when I first read the title- my heart leapt !
    It's the mama in me, LOL....]

  7. Happy birthday to you! I highly appreciate your blog and I wish you many happy blogging days to come.

  8. Congrats Gaia!

  9. Happy Birthday! The pleasure is all ours!


  10. Many thanks to everyone, long-time readers and new ones. You made my day, as always.

  11. Gaia, you know I love your smart writing and your impeccable taste in art (and beauty products ; )

    Happy Birthday!



  12. Happy Non-Blonde Day, darling Gaia. Thanks for always saying what has to be said.



  13. I know I am way late but Happy Anniversary and a big cyber-hug to my scent twin!


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