For many years, probably since I first started wearing makeup, my colors of choice were in shades of brown (day or night, all year long) and bronze (for summer nights, mostly). I don't know how many compacts of Lancome's Blush Subtil in Cappucine and Bronze Glow I've gone through. I'd experiment with color on any other part of my face, but my cheeks remained mostly neutral. I really thought that it's the only option with my coloring. After all, pink looks weird on me, and let's not even go there about coral. They clash horribly with my olive (greenish?) skin.
Last summer I broke away from this rut, first by falling in love with Dallas, which taught me that there are other colors worth exploring. Then I tried another Blush Subtil, this time in Aplum. It is a plummish color, but not too purple, and on my skin it's still neutral, but adds just the right amount of natural looking color that isn't too bright. It looks best during fall and winter, when I'm at my palest (and thus greenest). Highly recommended if your coloring is similar to mine.
Blush Subtil in Pink Pool is my color. :O)